Wondering why your ads don’t work the way you imagined and you feel like you’re throwing money away?
Don’t worry, because a lot of companies make this mistake but if you want to solve this…you need to read this article.
Do you ever notice when looking at ads, companies in their enthusiasm, present product features and benefits, they give you all of this information and technical background and the research that went into it and why it’s better than the last version?

People don’t care.
Pick a random car ad from a dealer and you will have all of the specs of the engine, the measurements, how many miles to the gallon it can do, what options it comes with and worst of all….the starting price.
A little heads up, it never goes out the door for the “starting price”.
People won’t buy the car on the spot because of the specs…online!
You want them to get to your location. You want them to see it, feel it, driving it. You want them to experience the end result because they couldn’t care less about the special thread in the seats that was made from wool from Dutch sheep, strengthened with carbon fiber for durability.
And here’s why…
They don’t care about the cubic foot of space in the back.
But they will pay money for the extra room to take their family on a trip.
They don’t care about the special suspension using air and hydraulics.
But they will pay for the luxury and the comfort if they drive hundreds of miles every week.
There’s another beautiful example of this in a scene of Wolf of Wall Street.
Leonardo DiCaprio gathers his band of misfits and tries to train them in selling.
“Sell me this pen”
And most people will say something like; This is the best pen. This pen is from biofriendly material. The special point allows for better transfer of ink on the paper and we have it in all of the colors of the rainbow.
One of his misfits however takes the pen and asks Leonardo DiCaprio to write down his name on a piece of paper.
When looking around for a pen, he hands it to him and says…”supply and demand bro.”
What does this mean?
What do these examples have in common and how does this work?
And more importantly…
Is this possible for every business?
Well, let me explain because in it’s core, it’s very simple.
Leonardo DiCaprio didn’t want the pen and couldn’t care less about the material or special features. No, he needed the pen.
People don’t care about your product
they will throw money at the end result.
People don’t care about all of the specs of their laptop…
but they will buy it to work away from the office.
People don’t care about flying for hours…
but they will buy a ticket to go on a vacation.
People don’t care about marketing packages and complicated algorithms… but they will give marketers money if they can deliver them customers.
Do you see the trend here?
Even the reason you’ve read this far is because of a need.
You couldn’t care less about other companies and movies like the Wolf of Wall Street.
But the end result….the solution to ads that deliver customers to your doorstep, customers that will buy your product or service, that was the need I sold you with the headline and the first 2 sentences.
Don’t sell your product. Sell the need.
Wonder what we can do for you?
Contact us for a free marketing consultation and let's see if we can help you sell the need.
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