What a strange way to start this article wouldn’t you agree?
But there is a simple truth in that title and I will explain it to you if you follow along.
Now to start our journey we need to take a look at what your product is and what it does. I know that most business owners are proud of what they do or sell and they should.
Making that perfect coffee you enjoy in the morning, creating that fresh haircut every other Friday or making sure that you have a good gym to go to.
As a business owner you’re passionate enough you could stand on top of a roof and shout about it to let everyone know about your product.
Ads are the same way.
Ads are that roof top in the online world. You can reach not only the neighborhood but the entire world. It’s billions of people that will see your product.
Before you can actually do that you need to go through the maze of Meta ads with all of it’s options but to keep things simple, Meta gives you the option to boost your ads.
So let’s boost your ads!
Well…let’s not but that’s a whole other story you can read about in THIS article.
The boost option is throwing money at Meta and telling them to show your ad to everyone and there lies the problem. Not everyone will be interested in your product or service.
You can’t sell steak to a vegan, a kitchen-knife to a gardener and you definitely can’t sell ice to a penguin.
You need to know and find the right one.
Out there in the world with billions of people, are what we call perfect customers.
People that also are passionate about your product or just really need it and those are the people we want to sell to. You just need to find them and you have the perfect opportunity for this.
Meta ads.
Now the boost option is like shooting a cannonball and hoping you hit something but now you understand that’s not what we want.
We want to use a sniper rifle. One shot, one…well..customer.
And to do that we need to go through that maze of options and zoom in on that customer.
Age, male or female, where do they live, what are their hobbies and preferences? We have a lot of ways to make sure that when you run your ad on Meta, the right people will see it.
It takes time.
Now to get to that point will take some patience. It’s not just a few clicks, throw money at it and customers will roll in. You need the expertise to create the ads, track everything and don’t forget time. Step by step and day by day you can get a better grip on your target group.
And when you zoomed in and things are looking good, your ad will drop in performance for a completely different reason but that’s something to talk about in another article.
There is a solution for this.
You don’t have to learn about all of the options or ways to get your ad to the perfect customer.
(Hello there)
We will sell ice to a penguin!
Well…probably not but you get what we’re trying to say.
Contact us for a free marketing consultation and let's talk about what we can do for you.
No obligations, no annoying sales talk. We are both far too busy for that.