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Cut the BS!

Yes, I said it.

Don’t get mad about it. Instead, follow me in this article and I will explain it.

Once you understand this, it will save your marketing AND your money.

Looking smart

Now when I first started writing I would write long paragraphs to snare the reader. I would explain all about the product and the specs and who created it and so on.

Using fancy words which would make me look smart and professional. I couldn't be farther from the truth. 

Once I’ve shown you some examples, you will see it everywhere but now there’s a difference. You will have the solution so follow along. 

Being boring

Again…don’t get mad but most content is boooring and it is killing your marketing budget because you don’t need long paragraphs or fancy words.

Beating around the bush, excessive use of words, waffling, Logorrhea but it all comes down to one thing. Too many words.

Cut the bullshit.

Take a look at these examples:

  • The meeting will be held tomorrow morning at 11:00 and we will discuss everything about our plan for the next marketing campaign that we will run on Meta.

  • (product name) is the best in the business because it’s the best in price and quality overall. We invented this to solve (problem) and luckily for you, we succeeded.

Let’s pick these apart and re-write them and you will be shocked how many words you can skip. 

  • Meeting 11:00AM -  SUBJECT: Future marketing plan on Meta.

The second example is a little harder. Well…not really..

  • Do you have (this problem)? (product name) will solve it. 

Do you see the difference between the passive, weak and waffling examples and the straigh-to-the-point re-writes?

You need to cut through the bullshit and there’s another problem you’re facing. One that’s destroying marketing budgets everywhere that don’t evolve their gameplan.


People are used to fast paced content so you only have 1 chance…in the first seconds or sentences to catch them and keep them there.

Don’t have a catchy or clear hook at the start? You lost them.

Don’t have a good and clear CTA (Call To Action) at the end? You lost them.

There is a reason why my writing is in short sentences and paragraphs. 1 or 2 sentences that are easy to read and take you to the next point.

Catchy subheaders that will make you curious and keep you reading and reading.

Now there are a few ways to create good content and if you are not following my BLOG, you should start here because it will boost your marketing and business in more ways than you can think of. 

It’s like having the cheat codes to a game. It will make you jump ahead of your competition and grow your business.

If you’re not sure how to do this or you need help implementing all of this in your business…

Contact us for a free marketing consultation.

Let's talk about it and cut through the bullshit.

No obligations, no annoying sales talk. We are both far too busy for that.

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