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Achieving Top Of Mind Awareness In Your Market

When you think about a soda, what brand comes up first? Coca cola. (No not Pepsi) And this will happen with a lot of products or services. Search engine…Google, fastfood…MacDonald’s. 

You see the trend here? 

These are companies that have a well established name and in a perfect world, your name would come up when people think of a product or service you sell. It would be at the top of their mind.

So let’s talk about how to make that happen.

Introducing a CTA to your posts, reels and most importantly…your ads.

I was looking at the marketing for a company I worked for and I noticed a mistake. The same mistake that I saw other companies make on their Facebood, Instagram and google pages.

The product was great. The post was decent. But at the end, there was no clear CTA.

A Call To Action.

And it’s the best way (by a big margin) to build that sought after top of mind awareness. You can supercharge everything if you simply tell people exactly what to do.

How to set it up and catch clients

Now if you’re running a business, you want to get the word out. Telling friends and family, putting up a sign and if you’re smart…running ads.

And with all of the above, a good CTA will supercharge them.

  • Download your free guide to do X.

  • Fill in this form and we’ll send you the best way to do Y.

  • Text us today and we’ll tell you exactly how to do Z

Something that gives them a reason to act. A reason to raise their hand and say: “Yes, I want that”.

Adding a CTA makes everything better. It allows you to attract customers that are ready to buy now AND customers that are still thinking about it.

You build an email list of people interested in whatever you’re selling. This will help you today AND in the future

So let’s start adding CTAs to your marketing. It’s easy, doesn’t cost anything and it can supercharge everything for your business.

Want to know what CTA to use or how to implement all of this for your business?

Contact us for a free marketing consultation and let's talk about CTA’s.

No obligations, no annoying sales talk. We are both far too busy for that.

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