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Let’s boost Meta-ads! Well…let’s not.

Wait…you shouldn’t boost your ads on Meta?

No, and although understandable, I will explain why and let you boost your ads... without boosting your ads.

The problem of Meta ads.

When setting up a new ad, you only have 6 campaign objectives to choose from  BUT… after that you still have to make your way out of the maze with at least fifty more choices. 

And to add another problem onto that, some of those are almost meaningless and some of those make an insane difference. 

Just a few clicks away from succes…or total failure.

Now before we dive into this I need you to know something:

Meta has an yearly ad revenue of over 100 billion. (Yes, you read that right) 

And there are some capable and intelligent people working at Meta who are aware of this problem. 

So can’t they solve the problem? 

Sure they can, that’s why they invented the BOOST function. It skips all of the steps of finetuning and just throws your ad to as many people as possible and with it, all of your money. 

  • You can’t effectively target a group of people that could be interested in your product/service.

  • You can’t change or customize the headline or description.

  • You can’t add square photos.

  • You can’t run the ad on both Facebook and Instagram

  • You’re limited to post types that exist for organic posts.

And the results of this.

Even with all the people that get to see your ad, the chances of actual buyers are slim to none. You’re trying to win a game of darts by hitting the bullseye, with 1 eye closed, jumping around and with the wrong hand. Darts flying everywhere and total carnage.

So how can we fix this?

You need to use the Meta ads tool. Even though it’s a maze, it gives you better options, better targeting and most important of all… better results.

And there is an easy way of doing this without actually going through that maze…

(Hello there)

We will boost your ads without boosting your ads.

Contact us for a free marketing consultation and let's talk about what we can do for you.

No obligations, no annoying sales talk. We are both far too busy for that.

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