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Stalking actually works!

Well…let’s not get the wrong idea here.

It works but it comes from a different point of view.

After reading this article you’ll be in the position to stalk your customers without landing in jail.

Now we all have experienced this on your phone or laptop. You look for something (or talk about it but that’s a whooooole other conversation) and the next couple of days or week you’ll be haunted by ads of the product you searched for. 

Most of the time this is annoying and it doesn’t help you make the decision to actually buy the product but if you do it right…it will boost your sales on an insane level.

It’s called retargeting

This form of online stalking your customers is mostly used in the wrong way because they will show you the same ad over and over and over again.


Yes I said it.

If you actually use it in the right way, your customers will be happy to spend money on your product because you show them it helps solve their problem. 

And you need to show them at the right point.

There’s always a lead up time. A period where your customers look at different options and weigh them against each other. This is called the “customer journey”.

You can divide this journey in 4 simple steps

  • Customer becomes aware of a problem.

  • Customer decides to look up possible options and solutions on the internet.

  • Customer picks an option and checks out different suppliers.

  • Customer buys from a supplier.

Now it’s very easy to see that if you join the race at step 4, you’re already too late.

You  want to get in there at step 2 with your ads and definitely step 3 with your retargeting ads.

The bad news

In this TikTok-hive-mind online world, your customers will have the attention span of a goldfish. They will see your product, look away for a moment and forget all about it.

They need to see your product a few times to actually remember it and make the decision to buy it. 

The good news

Now here is where the magic of good retargeting works.

You will show them different ads of the same product.

  • Use different pics or videos

  • Use a different angle for what the product solves.

  • Name some USP’s (Unique Selling Points)

Make it snappy, catchy and to the point without being salesy.

Your customers will start to remember you and because you show them useful info that actually helps them, they will happily choose your product.

If you’re following my blog posts you should already be in a good position at step 2 to get those customers to your website and buy your product. 

If not, you should really start here

Now if this all sounds too complicated or you simply don’t have the time…

Contact us for a free marketing consultation and let us stalk your customers.

No obligations, no annoying sales talk. We are both far too busy for that.

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