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There is only ONE solution… to the number ONE.

I hear you thinking…What’s so special about the number one?

Follow me on this journey and you will evade it like the plague because it causes destruction in businesses worldwide.

Don’t get me wrong, I understand that starting and running a business takes a lot of time and effort. You need to think of a good product, search for a good supplier, and when you find one, you can start the most important thing in business…getting money in.

But that’s just the start and the road to success is long and full of pitfalls. By the time you realize your mistake, it will be too late.

Busy times.

You decide that to get some attention and promote your business, an ad would be perfect. And even though you don’t have the expertise, Meta makes this really easy for you. 

You can boost your ads. 

Now there’s a big problem with boosting but that’s a whole other story you can read about here

In short, don’t do that and instead do it yourself.

You find your way through the maze of options and before you know it, the ad is up and running.

Your sales are growing, customers are happy, more money is flowing in but eventually tasks keep stacking up and you're in way over your head. Your first instinct is to hire a new employee to get some room to breathe.

Training is done and soon all tasks are off your plate. Everything looks great.

What’s wrong with that?

Well…what if I told you that at this point of the story, you’re set up for destruction in about 4 different ways and you probably didn’t even notice it like the 1000’s of business owners around the world.

You have one product, one supplier, one employee and one lead magnet in the form of an ad.

Now if any of those 4 pillars drops out of the equation for any reason…it will be like trying to ride a car on 3 wheels and believe me when I say this (because it happened to me…twice), it will most likely be the end of your business.

A better way.

Even though this is a doom scenario, this problem can and needs to be tackled. 33% is the sweet spot here for every major pillar in your company. 

This means:

  • Multiple products so you can attract a bigger customer base.

  • 3 suppliers because if one drops out, you can still handle the demand. 

  • 1 person can’t handle all of the administration, sales and customer service alone so make sure to do some cross training between you and your employee.

  • Running more than one ad on more than one platform because if it doesn't perform or the platform is down, there are no sales coming in if you depend on only one..

The number one.

So now you see why the number one…is the worst number in business and you need to fix it A.S.A.P.

Contact us for a free marketing consultation and let's talk about one of those problems.

No obligations, no annoying sales talk. We are both far too busy for that.

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